S1E5 - Katherine Levine Einstein, Neighborhood Defenders: Participatory Politics and America's Housing Crisis

Prof. Katherine Levine Einstein joins us to talk about her book (joint with David Glick & Maxwell Palmer). Prof. Michael Hankinson joins as guest co-host.

Our guest is Katherine Levine Einstein, an Associate Professor of Political Science at Boston University and an author of Neighborhood Defenders: Participatory Politics and America's Housing Crisis. Her co-authors David Glick and Maxwell Palmer are professors in the same department.

Michael Hankinson, Assistant Professor of Political Science at George Washington University, joins as guest co-host.


Katherine Levine Einstein: Driving Turnout: The Effect of Car Ownership on Electoral Participation by Justin de Benedictis-Kessner and Maxwell Palmer.

Greg Shill: ACBNY v. City of New York (SDNY court decision from October 2020 holding NYC liable for failing to make its crosswalks accessible to the vision-impaired). Greg also wrote a twitter thread on the decision and some broader implications.

Jeff Lin: The Map Thief: The Gripping Story of an Esteemed Rare-Map Dealer Who Made Millions Stealing Priceless Maps by Michael Blanding

Michael Hankinson: Bringing the polls to the people: How increasing electoral access encourages turnout but exacerbates political inequality by Daniel de Kadt

Follow us on the web or on Twitter: @denselyspeaking, @jeffrlin, @greg_shill, @katherineeinst, and @msghankinson.

Producer: Schuyler Pals.

The views expressed on the show are those of the participants, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve System, or any of the other institutions with which the hosts or guests are affiliated.