S1E9 - Transportation Law Symposium Special - Transportation & Land Use I

The first in a mini series of episodes from an academic symposium on The Future of Law & Transportation.

The Future of Law & Transportation Symposium: Transportation Planning & Land Use I

Today's is the first in a mini series of episodes we are running from a first-of-its-kind academic event on law and transportation policy, featuring scholars from multiple disciplines. Thanks to Talking Headways podcast host Jeff Wood, who edited and ran this episode first on his show, for allowing us to feature it here.

After an intro to the Symposium from Greg Shill, each scholar speaks for about 12 minutes.

Jonathan Levine (University of Michigan Urban & Regional Planning): “Transportation Policy Entrenchment: Institutional Barriers to Accessibility-Based Planning”

Audrey McFarlane (University of Baltimore School of Law): “Black Mobility and the Refusal of Funds: Structural Racism and Mass Transportation Decision-Making”

Sara Bronin (UConn Law): “The Failed Federalism of Street and Vehicle Design Standards”

Symposium Program

Follow us on the web or on Twitter: @denselyspeaking, @jeffrlin, @gregshill.

Producer: Schuyler Pals.

The views expressed on the show are those of the participants, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve System, or any of the other institutions with which the hosts or guests are affiliated.